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Waste paper baler how to do conservation work?

February 27, 2018

Nick Brand waste paper baler maintenance and conservation content usually includes normal maintenance, regular maintenance, timing and accuracy check, equipment lubrication and cooling system maintenance is also an important part of equipment maintenance. Regular maintenance of the Nick brand waste packer is the basic operation for equipment maintenance and must be institutionalized and standardized.
The timing of the paper baler maintenance and conservation operations to develop operating quotas and supplies consumption quotas, and stop quotas to check,
Waste paper baler regular maintenance and maintenance operations should be included in the inspection contract responsibility system.
Regular inspection of waste paper baler is a non-program preventive test, in addition to human senses inspection methods, but also according to the regular check card implementation, regular inspection someone is also known as timing inspection.
Baotui equipment on the waste should also stop the full inspection response: cylinder, pumps, electrical, the sliding parts of the inspection.
Waste paper baler maintenance should be maintained according to maintenance procedures. shaanxi NIck company automatic waste paper baler maintenance procedures is the equipment maintenance requirements and rules, insist on the implementation of automatic waste paper baler maintenance procedures, can extend the service life of equipment to ensure safe and comfortable working environment.
The secondary content should include:
After scrubbing, cleaning, lubrication, adjustment and other methods to stop the maintenance of equipment to maintain and maintain the function of the hydraulic baler and technical conditions, known as automatic waste balers maintenance and conservation

Shaanxi Nick Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd

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