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January 17, 2017
The nickbaler success in the recycling baler sector is attributable to the unique lifting chamber loading system in combination with the manual control system. These two unique features allow the Nickbaler to function with a much lower labour input requirement and make our balers the got to machines for serious used clothes management compacting solutions.Due to its compact design the nickbaler requires less valuable floor space in the business premises than other comparable balers.
As a result of the lifting chamber system the Nickbaler is able to deliver increased hydraulic power from smaller horsepower electric motors. This means that the nickbaler is vastly more efficient than any other comparable baling equipment and saves the user money in decreased electricity charges.
Used clothing baler compactors bale an impressive range of Used clothes products from Used clothes,second hand clothing ,textile,waste cotton ,rags and used fiber amazingly all these things can be compacted by nickbaler.
Our quality baler machines are used throughout European Certification of CE and Quality control systeom of industrial and commercial applications to help companies keep check of the waste management compacting needs.